Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coming to an end..soon

So the time is coming to the end, quest is almost over, how can i last you say? it was very hard. But still have alittle longer to go till it'll fully be over with. With this quest it was hard to stay off the video games. But some how i did, Some how i stayed off them for the amount of hours i had. This last week had 2 hours each day. Was so hard to do but i did it. i read my book, it was good like the rest. For me i cant believe i did it. But most likely ill go back to more like 4 hours again. But ill probably get out more even if i do fall back to 4 hours of gaming.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

No video games

Like i post earilier, hard any video games, its been hard to do this. The last week, 2 hours a day for video games. Reading more on Artemis Foul and decided to get out and run a little. It sucked. I might play less video games when this quest is over. We'll see.
Sorry i havent blogged at all lately, been busy working and hanging with Girl friend. Those are the things that have been keeping me busy and away from video games.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New week, continuing on with the quest

Days go by, and its getting alittle more boring. About to start to read my book. Probably start it this week. But for the paper we're doing im doing video game addiction. One i found was talking about how we're addicted, what parents can do to know when a lot is to much. And told about and internet addiction recovery place in bradford, pa.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Less time on video games

Well for week 2 of my quest is only play 4 hours a day, which goes by pretty quickly. So all i do is watch tv mainly. But it helps with work taking up time. But when they time is up, i plan on starting a book that i bought called Artemis Foul. The series is a good read if you like the fantasy/ mystery type stuff. I got into it years ago, thought i wouldn't like it but i did. I plan on reading this when my hours are up from playing video games. Next week i can only play 3 hours a day. This will give me more time to read this book of mine. I hope its good.  After i am done with this book ill have to find something else to do. Maybe get outside? Hang with friends more? Ill figure out something.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Interview essay/ day 8: the new week begins

Day 8: the new week begins. I dont know know how it'll go on from here. But It'll make just have to keep telling myself, I can do it. 4 hours to play each day this week, got to bring out the timer for this week. For gaming news, red box, you know the $1 movie rental box, starting thing month for renting video games. It'll be twice the price, $2 a day.. still would go to family video or any other store though.

But from the interview essay, the part i thought was interesting was the addiction to video games. Like how many hours it can take up, how you can miss meals, how you can hide into video games to get away from different things like depression, real-world problems, and things like that. Its hard to believe that things like that can happen. I cant believe that people will also lie about playing games, didn't put that in paper but its one of the other symptoms for gaming addiction. It just amazes me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

day 5/.6

For day 5 it went alright, glad work takes my time. For today, day 6 i don't know what will take my time up since i only have 5 hours to play. Ill make it through, though next week will start to get tougher.
But for gaming news. Medal of Honor which is made by EA is trying to get the game back up into the ranks and trying to become the top dog again. After it went astray Call of Duty went up and took over the top spot. But EA is hoping that this will take the top again so they will quit being the underdog. And thats part of the gaming news for today, more on the way.